The Work Begins

From Left To Right: Cynthia Kalilani Maulidi, Michael Mainje, Eston Mgala, Luke Beka

From Left To Right: Cynthia Kalilani Maulidi, Michael Mainje, Eston Mgala, Luke Beka

New Directors

November 9th 2020 saw the official signing of employment contracts in Lilongwe, the capital of Malawi. Vice president Michael Mainje and technical advisor, Eston Mgala, welcomed Cynthia Kalilani Maulidi, Executive Director, and Luke Beka, Project Manager to Compact. For two years the board in Canada Malawi have been working towards the official start and having secured our charitable status on September 10th 2020, we can press on with the work.

What Are We Doing Next?

Measuring Village Needs

One of the first tasks that Cynthia will be undertaking is that of preparing the “Village Accreditation” document. This survey establishes the needs within each location via a point system and verifies our work there.

Making an Impact Assessment Model

PPI stands for Poverty Probability Index and is a set of metrics used to measure the physical economic welfare of an area. The official PPI exists for 60 countries but this does not include Malawi. We will be generating our own version so as to measure progress over time and inform donors of the real impact of Compact.

Site Analysis

Before any building work can be done a site analysis will be performed which takes into account site dimensions, wind direction, sun orientation, topography, earth sampling and other critical elements. This has been designed by Nyomi Rowsell of ICCM Malawi.


Rain & Meetings