In Malawian terms it’s an easy ride to Chuzu from Lilongwe the capital; An hour of paved roads and a half hour down dirt tracks brings you to a typical rural village, this one is the home of Alfred.
It’s a three hour walk to the nearest populated area but with no money and poor harvest there is little reason to go. The government statistics describe this community as “Ultra Poor” and living on less than $1 a day.
Alfred Lingwe is a 48-year-old married man who does his best to survive as a farmer growing maize (the staple diet of Malawian people) on a 70 -100-meter sq. piece of land. There are 13 family members he is responsible for plus 3 children of his late sister which gives him a heavy responsibility in, what can often be described as, desperate conditions.
The lack of water, the frequent poor harvest and lack of sanitation leaves not just Alfred but the whole village sick, malnourished with malaria and high blood pressure the norm.
Donated Land
Alfred donated land for COMPACT to build the community centre on. This donation has provided a whole litany of opportunities and benefits to the community including a comfortable meeting place with electricity, clean water, and composting toilets. It will soon provide a place for a church to meet, mobile clinic to operate from, the potential for after schools clubs and space for a permaculture garden. Permaculture techniques provide a source of food security leading to a healthier diet which will address the lack of nutrition.
For all Alfred’s poverty he has had the wisdom and foresight to donate land for the Compact project (a requirement for each village), which will revolutionize their lives. You can help us help them with this revolution. Contact us for more information or donate today.