More Than Charity

Solar Powered water System at Ndalama

What do you think of when people talk about charity? Shaking cans in the street, running marathons, golf tournaments to raise money for people who need help. It’s true but where does the money go, what happens with the funds and who is benefitting? The BIG names that scroll across our news feeds are generally trusted and left alone because they do so much in atrocious circumstances. What about the small guy? People often ask, “How much is to put in a well?” You can get one for about $7,000 USD and walk away leaving a few people happier than they were. So why does Compact spend almost $20,000!

The reason is simple: Our approach is more than handing out some water, more than providing a meal or relief, its more than charity. We aim to change the dynamics of Malawian villages by bringing relief from drought and famine while generating healthier families through better farming techniques and shaping a spirited community with economic opportunities. Our wells are solar powered, and gravity fed to at least 5 locations which has a massive impact on daily routines. Each village has a Mini Water Users Association (WUA) which is trained by the government on rural water supply, sanitation and hygiene, water quality, system operation and maintenance, tariff setting and much more. (Tariff setting promotes ownership and funds for the long-term maintenance.)

Your support in more than charity, its life changing.

Thanks For the Audience

Finding an audience to share our story and mission with is no easy task. It’s one route to developing genuine support, donor engagement and a reliable source of financial support. We are very grateful for the church communities who have recently been willing to give an ear to the work of Compact. Lately the Church of God in Liverpool UK, used a 10-minute promotion video to showcase our activities and the Branson Community Church in Colorado had an in-person presentation by Zeb Williamson.

If you would like more information, please contact us, or use the link for the short YouTube presentation.

Thanks to all those who support monthly via PayPal.




Power To The People