Adding Value
Addis Ababa, one of the many stops on route to Malawi
It has been a long-term dream for Zeb Williamson to visit Malawi and in March 2024 that dream came true as he travelled for the first time in his capacity as a Board member of Compact. With his background in biology, he has always wanted to invest himself in crafting the permaculture work of Compact. This trip was designed to have boots on the ground, examine current practices and initiatives then gradually bring those added improvements to our programs. Professional development you might say.
From the offset it was clear to all present that Zeb has a gift for asking the right questions, digging into situations, and bringing both solutions and new, practical ideas to the table. What we thought might have been implemented in the future was seized on at once, knowing the added value it would bring to our new site at Kawiri. All the board members at Compact have their own gift and this has been a time for Zeb to cement his role in the organization. We have a feeling this will not be his last visit to Malawi.
The Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it. Genesis 2:15
Medical supplies
In 2022 a family in Vancouver saved up all the left-over medical supplies from their father’s long-term treatment. When delivered to Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Blantyre it was counted as pure gold. Others heard of this, and surplus materials came flooding in. With the help of local nurse, Sarah Bell of Burnaby Hospital, we prioritized the items to insure the most appropriate items were delivered to Dr David McCarty in the two bags sent.
Money for Bibles was also donated, and 190 plastic covered Bibles were bought in the local language and distributed in several locations.
This is not the work of Compact and no financial investment has been made by us in these good works, but we are happy to be a conduit for the kindness of others. Thank you to all those who support monthly via PayPal.